EMAPS: EDFacts Metadata and Process System

South Dakota

IDEA Part C - Dispute Resolution

Year 2022-23

A zero count should be used when there were no events or occurrences to report in the specific category for the given reporting period. Check "Missing" if the state did not collect or could not report a count for the specific category. Please provide an explanation for the missing data in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

Section A: Written, Signed Complaints

(1) Total number of written signed complaints filed. 0
(1.1) Complaints with reports issued. 0
(1.1) (a) Reports with findings of noncompliance. 0
(1.1) (b) Reports within timelines. 0
(1.1) (c) Reports within extended timelines. 0
(1.2) Complaints pending. 0
(1.2) (a) Complaints pending a due process hearing. 0
(1.3) Complaints withdrawn or dismissed. 0

Section B: Mediation Requests

(2) Total number of mediation requests received through all dispute resolution processes. 0
(2.1) Mediations held. 0
(2.1) (a) Mediations held related to due process complaints. 0
(2.1) (a) (i) Mediation agreements related to due process complaints. 0
(2.1) (b) Mediations held not related to due process complaints. 0
(2.1) (b) (i) Mediation agreements not related to due process complaints. 0
(2.2) Mediations pending. 0
(2.3) Mediations not held. 0

Section C: Due Process Complaints

(3) Total number of due process complaints filed. 0
Has your state adopted Part C due process hearing procedures under 34 CFR 303.430(d)(1) or Part B due process hearing procedures under 34 CFR 303.430(d)(2)? Part B
(3.1) Resolution meetings (applicable ONLY for states using Part B due process hearing procedures). 0
(3.1) (a) Written settlement agreements reached through resolution meetings. 0
(3.2) Hearings fully adjudicated. 0
(3.2) (a) Decisions within timeline. 0
(3.2) (b) Decisions within extended timeline. 0
(3.3) Hearings pending. 0
(3.4) Due process complaints withdrawn or dismissed (including resolved without a hearing). 0


This report shows the most recent data that was entered by South Dakota. These data were generated on 10/2/2023 9:59 AM EDT.