May 2022 |
TEACHER FEATURE: DOE announces Regional Teachers of the Year
The South Dakota Department of Education is pleased to announce the following individuals as South Dakota’s Regional Teachers of the Year. Secretary of Education Tiffany Sanderson and the department’s director of learning and instruction, Shannon Malone, visited their classrooms during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Congratulations to these outstanding educators!
Region #1: Alyssa Cassels (right), 5-12 band instructor, Deuel School District
Region #2: Deb Jensen (second from right), kindergarten, Viborg-Hurley School District
Region #3: Loretta Knodel (back row, middle), third grade, Avon School District
Region #4: Jennifer Weishaar (right), first grade, Aberdeen School District
Region #5: Jennifer Macziewski, K-1 Primary, Rapid City Area Schools
A statewide panel of educators will select one of these regional finalists to represent the state as the 2023 South Dakota Teacher of the Year. The 2023 South Dakota Teacher of the Year will be announced this fall. That individual will be South Dakota’s candidate for the National Teacher of the Year Award.
The National Teacher of the Year Program began in 1952 and continues as the oldest, most prestigious national honors program that focuses public attention on excellence in teaching. The 2023 National Teacher of the Year will be announced during a ceremony in Washington, D.C., in spring 2023.
Stephanie Ballard among State Teachers of the Year honored in Washington, D.C.
2022 South Dakota Teacher of the Year Stephanie Ballard (second row, fifth from left) recently joined her fellow State Teachers of the Year for a week of events in Washington, D.C. Activities included networking, education policy discussions, sightseeing, a visit to the White House, and an evening gala event.
SD Week of Work a success, panel recordings posted online
Thank you to the school districts who participated in the 2022 South Dakota Week of Work and provided tremendous work-based learning opportunities for their students during this special week and to those who do so all school year long! This event helps introduce middle and high school students to career opportunities in their own communities and across South Dakota. Below is a sampling of in-person activities from several school districts.
Hanson High School held activities throughout the week: Community Worker Riddle, SD Week of Work Task Cards, job shadowing, and Company Chats. For participating in some of the activities, students could enter drawings for a chance to win prizes at the end of the week.
Dakota Valley High School students heard from a keynote speaker at a kickoff event, went on industry tours, and attended a career fair. Huron High School also held a career fair.
Thank you to panelists and moderators who also helped make the week a success through online discussion panels. Panel recordings and business videos are available at SDWeekofWork.com.

Hanson High School students at a Company Chat with Mitchell Emergency Medical Services

Dakota Valley students gather for their Week of Work kickoff event

Huron High School students attend their school’s career fair
Please complete survey to help inform K-5 STEM initiative
The South Dakota Department of Education seeks input from K-5 teachers to gauge levels of STEM-focused instruction in South Dakota classrooms. Your feedback will help the department determine effective pathways to facilitate STEM-related instructional activities and resources in districts across the state.
Dakota Dreams Teacher Leadership Academy to begin in school year 2022-23
The Dakota Dreams Teacher Leadership Academy will offer eligible teachers a year-long, experience-based learning opportunity to further develop their educational leadership skills. Beginning in school year 2022-23, two cohorts of 30 students will meet over three instructional days during the school year as well as a three-day period in the summer.
Courses will be taught by Professor of Practice faculty (qualified retired school superintendents) and guest speakers.
This academy is provided at no cost to teachers, and school districts will be reimbursed for travel, lodging, and substitute teacher expenses. Additionally, students can earn three graduate credits from either Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Northern State University, South Dakota State University, or the University of South Dakota.
Who: Eligible teachers are those with five years of teaching experience.
When: Instructional dates are being determined.
Where: The place of instruction will rotate among the University of South Dakota in Vermillion; South Dakota State University in Brookings; Northern State University in Aberdeen; and USD – Sioux Falls.
Why: This leadership academy supports the professional development of South Dakota teachers and their exploration of administrative leadership roles and responsibilities in schools.
Teachers who are interested can fill out this form [https://fs27.formsite.com/SDBOR/4n0zmrbuix/index.html] to receive more information.
Newly approved suicide prevention trainings available
The Board of Education Standards has approved three new suicide prevention trainings to meet the requirement of SDCL 13-42-71 [https://sdlegislature.gov/Statutes/Codified_Laws/2042500] for educator certification. One clock hour of approved youth suicide awareness and prevention training is required for educators for initial and renewal certification.
Newly approved trainings:
- Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
- More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention for Teachers and Other School Personnel
- Child & Adult Advocacy Studies (CAASt) Training Series
More information on each training is provided on the Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training page [https://doe.sd.gov/suicideprevention/] under “Approved In-Person Group Training.” Any educator who received a 5-hour certificate of completion for attending the CAASt training in its entirety on Dec. 22, 2021, may use it as an approved suicide prevention training for educator certification. For questions on CAASt trainings, contact Tracy Thomes [tracy.thomes@usd.edu].
New social studies commission announced
In April, the Department of Education announced the formation of a new Social Studies Content Standards Commission. The group’s first meeting was held May 4. The commission will meet throughout the summer.
The new commission is comprised of 15 members, plus a facilitator who will help manage the preparation of the draft standards that will be put forth for public review. The purpose of the first meeting is to allow the commission to get organized and begin a review of the draft Social Studies Content Standards.
“The goal of this review process is to receive input from a diverse range of experts, including parents, educators, and Native Americans to create the best standards for our schools and ensure that our kids learn true, honest, and balanced social studies,” said Secretary of Education Tiffany Sanderson. “This thorough and transparent process allows for us to develop strong and comprehensive standards for our schools to continue to improve upon the education provided to our children.”
The Social Studies Content Standards Commission is comprised of the following members:
- Mark Miller, Chair of Commission
- Joe Circle Bear
- Janet Finzen
- Stephanie Hiatt
- Benjamin F. Jones, Ph.D. – State Historian
- Dylan Kessler
- Aaron Levisay
- Christopher Motz
- Shaun Nielsen
- Fred Osborn – State Director of Indian Education
- Jon Schaff
- Mary Shuey
- State Representative Tamara St. John
- Samantha Walder
- State Senator John Wiik
The social studies standards are reviewed every seven years. The standards provide the expectations for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. School districts use them to inform local K-12 curriculum. Once approved by the commission, the draft standards will be open to public review, which includes four hearings at locations around the state. The Board of Education Standards will make a final decision on approval after the public comment period has concluded.
An overview of the South Dakota Content Standards process may be reviewed here [https://doe.sd.gov/contentstandards/].
DOE sets targets for State Performance Plan
DOE’s Special Education Programs (SEP) has set targets for all students with disabilities receiving special education services in a public school district. SEP worked with stakeholders in 2021 to determine new baselines and targets and develop strategies to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. An outline of the process used and final results [https://doe.sd.gov/sped/documents/FFY20-25-SPPtargets.pdf] are now available on the department’s State Performance Plan webpage [https://doe.sd.gov/sped/SPP.aspx].
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to develop a six-year State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) that evaluates the state's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA and describes how the state will improve its implementation. The SPP/APRs include results indicators that measure child and family outcomes and other indicators that measure compliance with the requirements of the IDEA.
Apply for SDMath/SDSci Leadership by May 20
SDMath/SDSci Leadership is a program by the South Dakota Department of Education to create and support a dynamic network of educators. The program selects, challenges, and develops K-12 South Dakota mathematics and science educators who have demonstrated an interest in leadership skills related to mathematics and science education.
Apply by May 20 to join the next cohort.
SDMath/SDSci Leadership is designed around the following goals:
- Build capacity by focusing on problem solving, innovation, leadership, systems thinking, change, STEM learner identity and efficacy
- Create a common knowledge base for educational advocacy and leadership, including effective instruction, clarity about STEM, and research-based practices
- Explore challenges and opportunities in our classrooms, schools, districts, state, and nation
- Provide opportunities for all students to be included in the work of mathematics and science teaching and learning
- Understand that the purpose of all of the above is to impact student experiences in mathematics and science for all students
Application Process
Ideal candidates for the SDMath/SDSci Leadership program aspire to grow professionally, challenge their thinking and practice, and be leaders/advocates for effective mathematics and/or science education. Applicants must teach or co-teach in a mathematics or science classroom for at least one course during their participation year. The application process is designed to ensure a class that consists of members from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and geographical locations. Approximately 20 participants are chosen annually.
A completed application requires submission of the following three components by Friday, May 20, at 5 p.m. CT:
Application: https://forms.gle/iN2JAMbbXdLpeT3c9
Letter of recommendation: https://forms.gle/7PYRwqZPZBGaktP9A
Administrator support letter: https://forms.gle/RL9t7Xq6ckCBdPg28
Program Meeting Dates
Upon selection, participants will be expected to attend all of the following meetings:
- Virtual Orientation – Aug. 30, 2022 (4:30 - 5:30 p.m. CT)
- Alpha Retreat – Sept. 17-18, 2022, Pierre
- Beta Retreat – Dec. 10-11, 2022, Pierre
- Virtual Check-in – Jan. 11, 2023 (4:30 - 5:30 p.m. CT)
- Gamma Retreat – Feb. 4-5, 2023, Huron (attendance at SD STEM Ed Conference Feb. 3-4 strongly encouraged)
- Delta Retreat – April 15-16, 2023, Pierre
Registration for SDMath/SDSci Leadership is free. The South Dakota Department of Education is able to cover hotel, mileage, and meals for each of the four retreats.
The SD STEM Ed Conference is an excellent way to network, learn from and with other math and science leaders from across South Dakota, including veterans of the SD Math/SD Sci Leadership program. The South Dakota Department of Education pays for the membership rate (SDCTM or SDSTA) for conference registration, with the expectation that SD Math/SD Sci participants are current on their SDCTM or SDSTA membership dues. The department also pays for the cost of participants’ hotel rooms for Friday night so that they can attend the conference. The department is not able to pay for the cost of a substitute teacher if participants wish to come to the conference on Friday.
Questions? Email Stephanie Higdon [stephanie.higdon@state.sd.us] or call 605-295-8990.
South Dakota State Fair admission passes available for Read & Win program
Free 2022 State Fair admission passes are now available for the Read & Win program.
To honor outstanding academic achievement, the state fair is partnering with schools and public libraries to promote youth reading. The Read & Win program encourages summer reading as an incentive to earn free admission to the state fair for children across the state. This unique program can complement a current reading program or serve as the foundation of a new program.
Interested schools or libraries can find registration information online at www.sdstatefair.com or by contacting the State Fair office in Huron at 605-353-7340. To be eligible for free youth passes, register no later than Monday, Aug. 22.
The Read & Win program is sponsored by Ag Performance.
The 2022 South Dakota State Fair runs Thursday, Sept. 1, through Monday, Sept. 5. Channel Seeds preview night will be Wednesday, Aug. 31. For information about the South Dakota State Fair, contact the Fair office at 800-529-0900, visit www.sdstatefair.com or find them on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/SDStateFair], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/sdstatefair/?hl=en], and Twitter [https://twitter.com/SDStateFair].
Upcoming Events
Except where otherwise noted, details on the following events are available at GoSignMeUp [http://southdakota.gosignmeup.com/].
Title Programs Bimonthly Zoominars
June 21
Growing Great Readers
MTSS Summer Education Conference
June 21-22, Oacoma
Board of Education Standards
July 18, Pierre
South Dakota Best Practices in Teaching Mathematics
July 21-22, Pierre
Top 20 Training
July 21-22, Oacoma
(Schools can use ESSER funds to attend this training)
Foundational Reading Skills Grades 4-8
July 26-27, Fort Pierre
Foundational Reading Skills Grades K-3
Additional location! July 26-28, Sioux Falls
Aug. 2-4, Fort Pierre
Save the Date: Indian Education Summit
Sept. 8-10, Rapid City
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