Jan. 28, 2019

Agenda Item 1
Subject: Call to Order; Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
Agenda Item 2
Subject: Adoption of Agenda January 28, 2019 (Amended 01/25/2019)
Agenda Item 3
Subject: Approval of Minutes - Nov. 19, 2018
Agenda Item 4
Subject: Installation of Officers
Background: Board Policy 3.1 The Board year shall begin January 1 and end on December 31. At the last meeting of each year, the Board shall schedule the regular Board meetings for the coming year. At the first meeting of each year, the Board shall organize by installing officers.
Agenda Item 5
Subject: Conflict Disclosures (SDCL 3-23)
Background: Standing agenda item to review potential conflicts of interest
Agenda Item 6
Subject: Public Comment
Agenda Item 7
Subject: Public Hearing Standards (3rd of 4 hearings)– World Languages and Library - Teresa Berndt and Alissa Adams, DOE Background: Third of four public hearings for World Language and School Library Standards
Agenda Item 8
Subject: Public Hearing RULES - Article 24:43 (Accreditation and School Improvement): Sections 24:43:01:01 (Definitions) and 24:43:11:09 (Course Equivalency Exam) - Becky Nelson-DOE Background: Public hearing on Course Equivalency exam proposed rules changes
Agenda Item 9
Subject: Board of Regents (BOR) Report: Dr. Jay Perry, BOR Background: Dr. Jay Perry will discuss topics of mutual interest between the Board of Regents and the Board of Education Standards and be available to respond to questions from Board members.
Agenda Item 10
Subject: Board of Technical Education (BOTE) Report – Nick Wendell, BOTE Background: Nick Wendell will discuss topics of mutual interest between the Board of Technical Education and the Board of Education Standards and be available to respond to questions from Board members.
Agenda Item 11
Subject: Update on the Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training and request for approval of additional providers – Carla Leingang, Teresa Rowland, DOE

Pursuant SDCL 13-42-71, The South Dakota Board of Education Standards (BOES) approves training guidelines and resources for suicide awareness and precaution training. All applicants must complete a minimum of one-hour of training when applying for an initial or renewal certificate.

A summary of how this requirement has been implemented will be provided and additional training options will be presented to the Board of Education Standards for discussion and a determination if the training meets the minimum requirements.

Agenda Item 12
Subject: Educator Preparation Program: Black Hills State University (BHSU) - Kathy Reidy, DOE Background: The BHSU CAEP Accreditation Review was completed Spring of 2018. CAEP granted approval at its October 2018 meeting. The DOE accreditation office will present its accreditation report to the Board for determination on BHSU program approval.
Agenda Item 13
Subject: Educator Preparation Program: Sinte Gleska University - Kathy Reidy, DOE Background: The Accreditation review was completed in October 2018. The DOE accreditation office will present its accreditation report to the Board for determination on Sinte Gleska program approval.
Agenda Item 14
Subject: Board of Education Standards Policy Amendment - Holly Farris, DOE
Agenda Item 15
Subject: Secretary’s Report – Dr. Ben Jones, DOE
Agenda Item 16
Subject: Adjournment