Frequently Asked Questions
Requirements for Hiring DecisionsNew Certification Rules
Who do I contact if I have a question or need to update my certificate?
Office of Educator Certification Hours of Operation
(Monday through Friday):
- Certification staff processes applications daily from 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Central
- Certification staff responds to emails and phone calls daily from 8 10 a.m. and 3 5 p.m. Central
- Review the FAQs
- You can check the status of your online application by logging into the online application system.
- You can review all information about your certificate on Educator 411.
- Email if you cannot find the answer to your question
To obtain a copy of your most recent certificate there is a $25 fee for a duplicate certificate.
To request the duplicate, you will need to log into the Educator Portal and select "Request a Copy of my Educator Certificate" and pay the $25 fee.
- If you haven't created an mySD account, you will need to do this prior to being able to access the application.
- If you login and it states "Create Profile" your mySD account is not linked to your Educator Profile and you will need to submit a "Contact Us"
- Personal email address used when creating your new mySD account;
- First and Last Name as it appears on your certificate; and
- the last four of your SSN.
- If you need to change your name on your certificate, first complete the "Update Educator Profile" prior to the "Request a Copy of my Educator Certificate".
When a certificate is issued you will receive an email from " Portal". You may need to check your spam/junk mail.
To obtain your certificate information, but not an actual certificate, you can search yourself on the Educator 411.
- If you are renewing your certificate you can make these changes in your renewal application.
- To complete a name or address change you must complete the 'Request a Duplicate or Update Demographic' application.
Educator 411 is an online system that allows you to search for individuals with a certificate in South Dakota. Educator 411 includes certificate details such as the certificate type, certificate level, issue and expiration dates, certificate number, degree information, professional preparations, endorsements, most recent assignments and educator disciplinary action.
All assignments a person is certified to teach can be accessed by selecting 'State Certified Assignments'. This site also lists all endorsements and the requirements to add an endorsement. To access this information select the "Endorsement List" link.
Application Process
Yes. You can access information about application options with with this comparision document..
All documents uploaded to the on-line application system must be saved as a pdf.
Note: Transcripts cannot be uploaded.
Please allow for 2-6 weeks for a certification officer to complete the initial review of the application. Utilize the check status option weekly until you receive an email with your certificate.
When this status is shown the application has been submitted and is waiting for review by a certification officer. Once reviewed, the status will be updated. Utilize the check status option weekly until you receive an email with your certificate.
All issued certificates have a July 1st expiration date. The year of the expiration will depend on the type of certificate that was issued. You can view information about your certificate at Educator 411.
A renewal application may be submitted after January 1st of the year the certificate expires.
Documents should not be submitted until you have completed the application for renewal. Documents submitted prior to the application are not tied to this application and can cause a delay in processing.
No. Applications are processed in the order the application is completed and all requirements are met. Processing can take up to 10 weeks so it is important to plan ahead.
Your certificate will expire on July 1st, if your renewal application was submitted online or postmarked prior to July 1st. You must meet all requirements and submit the required forms and documentation prior to October 1st of the year of expiration or your certificate will become invalid.
- If you are applying online you can use a credit card or debit card at the time your application is submitted. If you do not pay at this time you will not be allowed to pay using your credit/debit card. Some debit cards are not accepted.
- Payment may also be made by mailing a personal check or money order payable to the Department of Education and mailed to the South Dakota Department of Education, Certification Office, 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD 57501.
Your certificate will be emailed to you as a pdf file. The pdf should be saved for printing should you need additional copies in the future.
If you do not receive your certificate, check your email inbox and junk folders.
Yes. You can access the online application in the SD Educator Portal. All educators new to South Dakota must complete an approved three-credit South Dakota Indian Studies course and the Suicide Awareness and Prevention course.
Yes. If you did not request endorsements, or realized you forgot to add a specific endorsement you may request the missing endorsement and preparations by accessing your pending application, then navigate to the "Application" menu on the lower left and scroll down to the Educator Preparation and/or Endorsement. You can then use the "New" button to request additional items.
If your certificate has been processed, you will need to login to the online application system and complete the application to "Add Endorsement or Update Existing Certificate".
Reciprocity Requirements (Out-of-State Applicant)
Reciprocity or reciprocal certification is the process by which the Secretary recognizes an educator certificate issued by another state and issues an equivalent South Dakota certificate.
Out-of-Country Requirements
International Exchange Teacher Permit: This option is for those planning to teach in South Dakota for no more than five years and who hold a J1 or H1B Visa. With this option you will be issued a 5-year non-renewable certificate.
Provisional: This option is for those planning to remain in the United States and will be issued a 1-year provisional certificate allowing time to complete the South Dakota Indian Studies course. Following completion of this course you may apply for the professional certificate.
Professional: This option is for those planning to remain in the United States and have already completed the South Dakota Indian Studies course. With this option you will be issued a 5-year renewable certificate
Military Personnel/Spouse of Military Personnel
If you or your spouse are moving to South Dakota as the result of military orders you will need to complete the Military/Military Spouse Initial application. You will also need to submit the following documents:
- Official transcript showing completion of preparation program.
- Out-of-State Certificate
- Out-of-State Educator Certification (OSF2) form-this needs to be sent to the certification office in the state(s) you hold a valid educator certificate.
- Copy of Active-Duty Military Orders
- Most military orders do not have an end date.
- If your military orders are from Ellsworth AFB you will need to go to the MPF and let them know that you are needing an MFR (letter) showing an end date for a SD teaching certification under HB1111.
You will need to complete the Educator Renewal-5 Year Application. Along with application you will need to submit the Military Duty Extension (ECER2) form and copy of your current active-duty order.
Endorsement Requirements
According to ARSD 24:28:18:05, coursework required to add an endorsement must be completed within the 10 year period prior to the application.
Most endorsements can be added through a state-designated test, completion of coursework, or a major in content. Educator 411 has been developed to help you quickly identify what you need to add an endorsement.
There are several ways Educator 411 can be utilized.
- Endorsement List: A list of all the SD endorsements offered, requirements needed, and a list of assignments that can be taught with the endorsement. When you choose "Requirements" and select preparation, a list will display the requirements needed based on that specific preparation.
- Educator Search: Search for your certificate information. You will also be able to see all certified assignment codes that you can teach based on your current endorsements by clicking on the State Certified Assignments show button.
- Certification Requirements for Assignments: This will help you determine what endorsement is needed for a specific course based on the course code or State test.
This will depend on the state-designated test you passed
If you passed all four subjects of the Multiple Subjects test (5001) or the Content Knowledge for Teaching (CKT) (7811) you may add all elementary endorsements.
- Self Contained K-4th Grade
- Self Contained 5th 8th Grade
- K-4th Grade English Language Arts
- K-4th Grade Math
- K-4th Grade Science
- K-4th Grade Social Science
- 5th - 8th Grade English Language Arts
- 5th - 8th Grade Math
- 5th - 8th Grade Science
- 5th - 8th Grade Social Science
This allows you to teach K-8th grade English language arts, math, science, social science, and K-8 self-contained assignments.
If you passed only one subject area of the Elementary Education Multi Subject Test (5001) or the Elementary Education: CKT (7811) you may add only the endorsements in that subject area.Example: You passed the Math subtest
This allows you to receive the following endorsements to teach K-8th grade Math. You may not add the self-contained endorsements or other endorsements in the areas of science, social science and English Language Arts.
- K-4th Grade Math
- 5th - 8th Grade Math
Those with K-6 Elementary Certification only would not be eligible to ADD 5-8 Subject Specific endorsements through reciprocity. To ADD these endorsements would require the passing of the current SD accepted Praxis Test.
- Reciprocity Based on K-6 Elementary Education Endorsements
- Self Contained K-4th Grade
- Self Contained 5th - 8th Grade
- K-4th Grade English Language Arts
- K-4th Grade Math
- K-4th Grade Science
- K-4th Grade Social Science
- Reciprocity Based on Based on Middle Level Endorsement
- 5th - 8th Grade English Language Arts
- 5th - 8th Grade Math
- 5th - 8th Grade Science
- 5th - 8th Grade Social Science
No. You may not add endorsements for Early Childhood Birth through Grade Three, Self Contained K-4th grade or K-4th Grade subject specific endorsements unless you complete the Early Childhood or Elementary preparation.
- You may add an endorsement to your certificate, at the time of renewal, for no additional cost.
- You may add an endorsement to your certificate, outside of the time of renewal for an additional cost.
Endorsements are no longer automatically added based on passage of a state-designated test. It was determined during review of the new certification rules that endorsements should not be added without applicants specifically identifying which endorsements they want to be listed on their certificate.
You must request an endorsement be added when you apply for an initial certificate, during the renewal of a certificate, or by completing the application 'Add Endorsement or Update Existing Certificate'.
The certification office is only able to complete an analysis for meeting the requirements of an endorsement with submission of the application, request of desired endorsement, fee and official transcript.
Renewal Requirements
Information about renewal requirements can be accessed on the SD DOE Renewal Requirements site.
If you have completed an approved South Dakota Indian Studies course, then you will need to complete the Educator Renewal-5 Year application. You will also need to submit an official transcript showing completion of the course along with a NEW approved Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training certificate.
If you have not completed an approved South Dakota Indian Studies course, then you will need to complete the Provisional Renewal application. You will also need to submit the Out-of-State Provisional Extension OSF3 form along with a NEW approved Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training certificate.
Information about the types of renewal options can be found on the General Renewal Requirement site.
Educators may use credits obtained after the issue date of their current certificate. For example, if the issue date is Jan. 7, 2016, you can use credits earned after this date toward your renewal.
Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) need to be education related and should be verified with documentation that includes the course title, name of agency or individual awarding contact hours, name of person receiving the contact hours, number of contact hours and the date and location of training.
University transcripted credits can be either undergraduate or graduate credits. Transcripted credits are calculated on a semester system and must reflect a grade of C or higher or a Pass on a Pass/Fail scale. Official transcript must be issued by a regionally-accredited institution of higher education.
Specialized Learning Experience should be education related and incorporate the applicant's teaching area and should not be obtained through coursework or continuing education.
- It may occur in the public or private sector and may include instruction provided by the applicant to teacher candidates at an accredited institution of higher education as part of an approved teacher preparation program.
- It does NOT include other forms of instruction taught by the applicant
- Examples that do NOT meet the requirement
- Training provided by the applicant
- Books or articles written by the applicant
- Examples that DO meet the requirement
- Traveling to another country or state to learn about their education system
- Legislative experience focusing on education-related issues
- Intern or employee of Department of Education
Applicant may:
Mail official/original transcripts (transcripts may be removed from the sealed envelope).
Contact hour certificates can be uploaded to application, email or mail copies
University may:
Submit electronic transcript directly to DOE
Mail official/original paper transcripts
Mailing address: Department of Education, Certification Office, 800 Governors Dr., Pierre, SD 57501
Email address:
No. They must be mailed by the applicant or submitted electronically through a university.
24:28:17:10. Renewal requirements for an invalid educator certificate. In order to renew an invalid educator certificate:
(1) An educator with a teaching certificate, administrator certificate, or education specialist certificate, or library science permit shall complete all renewal requirements and pay the invalid educator certificate fee;
(2) An educator with a general education alternative certificate, CTE alternative certificate, TFA alternative certificate, or administrator alternative certificate shall complete three transcripted credit hours;
(3) An educator with an educator permit shall complete six education-related credits; and
(4) An educator with a performing artist educator permit shall complete one education-related credit.
All other renewal requirements must be met.
Note: Note: If your certificate becomes invalid, you are not required to once again meet the requirements of the endorsements on your certificate. This includes passing the state-designated content test. If you want to add an endorsement you previously did not have you will be required to meet all requirements of that endorsement.
No. Credits cannot be saved for future renewals. When you are submitting your renewal application you do not need to list more than six credits on your application.
Educators are responsible for keeping track of credits and continuing education contact hours. These are not automatically submitted to DOE. You will need to submit them when you complete your application.
You can save your contact hours as a pdf document and upload to the online application system.
DOE s Calendar of Events is posted on the South Dakota Department of Education website.
Hardship Modification Information
For good cause, the expiration date of the certificate may be extended, without penalty, for a period of one year. The applicant must provide satisfactory evidence the educator made a good faith effort to meet the renewal requirements. Examples of good cause include the following:
- Serious illness;
- Loss of income; or
- Death or serious illness of a family member
Alternative Certification
Information about alternative certification can be accessed at Alternative Certification Resources.
Prior to applying for one of the following alternative certificates, an applicant must receive an Alternative Preliminary Certificate:
- General Education alternative certification
- Career and technical education (CTE) alternative certificate
- Teach for America (TFA) alternative certificate
- Administrator alternative certificate (unless an applicant has a teacher or principal certificate)
Information about the Alternative Preliminary Certificate can be accessed at Alternative Preliminary Certification.
This is a two-year certificate that does NOT allow you to teach but only allows you to be hired by a district. Once an offer of employment is accepted you will need to apply for the next step in the Alternative Certification process.
General Education Alternative Certification
- Grades 5-8 elementary assignments
- Secondary assignments
- K-12 assignments such as music, physical education, art, etc.
Teacher for America Alternative Certification
- Must be a participant in the TFA Program
- Grades K-8 elementary assignments
- Secondary assignments
- K-12 assignments
- CTE assignments
- CTE assignments
Special Education Alternative Certification
- Must have an active South Dakota teaching certificate and a minimum of three years of teaching experience
- Available for Early Childhood Special Education
- Available for K-12 Special Education
You MUST renew your Alternative Certificate every year until completed. The Alternative Certification route must be completed within the required time frame.
Educator Permits
An educator permit is defined as a certificate that restricts the holder to the endorsement indicated on the certificate. It is available for very specific, limited areas.
Yes. If you meet the requirements of the specific permit you can add this to your educator certificate.
No. You must complete the preparation program to add endorsements not authorized by the educator permit.
American Sign Language Instructor
- Allows applicants to serve as an instructor of sign language.
- Non-categorical permit limited to the area of athletic head or assistant coaching.
- It is no longer broken out by specific areas such as football, basketball, gymnastics, etc.
- Must meet requirements of the South Dakota High School Activities Association.
- Allows applicants to serve as an instructor for blind or visually-impaired students in a district.
- May serve in the leadership role for the district or school in the absence of a certified school superintendent or K-12 principal.
- May not complete teacher evaluations or be designated as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, or assistant principal.
- Allows applicants to teach in CTE fields limited to the following endorsement areas:
- CTE career pathway;
- Education and training career cluster; or
- Law, public safety, security, and correction career cluster.
- Allows applicants to teach drivers education
- Out-of-State applicant wishing to ADD Driver's Ed must provide a copy of their out-of-state driving record.
Eminent Scholar Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Language and Culture Permit
- Allows applicants to teach Lakota, Dakota, or Nakota language and culture
- Must meet the requirements of the Eminent Scholar Program
- Allows applicants with distinctive qualifications and a unique capacity to enhance education programs in schools and is limited to the area of the expert's specialty.
- Not intended to fill a vacant position, but to offer enhanced learning opportunities for students.
International Exchange Teacher Permit
- Allows applicants to teach in the fields identified as comparable to fields in South Dakota by an approved foreign transcript evaluation.
- The applicant must have a valid J1 or H1B visa, hold the U.S. equivalent of a bachelor s degree or higher and has a foreign educator credential in a teaching field comparable to those recognized in South Dakota.
- Non-renewable certificate
- Allows applicants to teach ROTC assignments.
Native American Language Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Language and Culture Permit
- Allows applicants to teach Lakota, Dakota, or Nakota language and culture.
- Allows applicants to teach in the areas of art, dance, drama, and music.
- Issued to individuals responsible for the financial requirements of school districts.
- Allows an non-educator with a Master s degree in library science to be employed as a school librarian
South Dakota Indian Studies Requirements
Teachers and Administrators
You can find information about this course on the SDDOE Certification Website.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training Requirements
According to 13-42-71 this training is required for anyone receiving an initial certification or to renew a certificate beginning July 1, 2017.
You can find information about this course on the SDDOE Certification Website.
Note: If you participated in a training that is not pre-approved click on the link this document to access the certificate which should be used.
No. Applicants must place a request for transcripts with their university, and request the university send the transcript electronically or mail to the South Dakota Department of Education, Certification Office, 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD 57501.
Applicant may:
- Mail official/original transcripts (transcripts may be removed from the sealed envelope).
University may:
- Submit electronic transcript directly to DOE
- Mail official/original paper transcripts
Mailing address: Department of Education, Certification Office, 800 Governors Dr., Pierre, SD 57501
Email address:
No. Transcripts must be official transcripts issued by the university.
You can submit your transcript anytime; however, final grades and degree completion must be posted on the transcript prior to being sent to SD DOE.
No. Transcripts can be taken out of original envelope.
Continuing Education Contact Hours
One renewal credit is equal to fifteen Continuing Education Contact (Clock) Hours (CECH) and one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is equal to ten Continuing Education Contact (Clock) Hours (CECH). A CEU is not the same as a renewal credit. For more information you can go to the link for educator certification renewal requirements.
It is recommended you save all contact hours as one pdf and upload at the time you apply. When submitting the number of credits you may sum all credits and enter one number.

Applicant may:
- Upload to application, email or mail copies of contact hour certificates
Email address:
The Certification Office can evaluate any documentation submitted along with an active application.
State-Designated Tests
State-designated testing requirements and qualifying scores for all endorsements are listed on the "What Tests do I need to Take" document.
Yes. Additionally, if you designated SD DOE as a score recipient, or took the test in South Dakota, your scores will automatically be sent to SD DOE. It typically takes two weeks before DOE receives this information from the vendor.
South Dakota accepts only the Praxis II test codes listed on the application. If your test code is not listed, it is a test code that is not accepted in South Dakota.
Major in Content
A major in content is defined as a minimum of 27 semester hours of coursework, with a grade point average of 2.7 or higher in the content area. This does not include remedial coursework, or developmental courses which do not count toward a degree.
Yes. A total of 27 credits in the following areas are required in each of the specific areas.
- Secondary Intermediate English Language Arts
- A minimum of 12 hours in Literature
- A minimum of 12 hours in Composition
- A minimum of 3 hours in Grammar
- Secondary Intermediate Science
- A minimum of 10 credits in Biology
- A minimum of 8 credits in Physical Science
- A minimum of 8 credits in Earth Science
- A minimum of 1 additional credit in Biology, Physical Science, or Earth Science
- Secondary Intermediate Social Science
- A minimum of 10 credits in History with at least 3 credits in American History
- A minimum of 8 credits in Political Science
- A minimum of 8 credits in Geography
- A minimum of 1 additional credit in History, Political Science, Geography
Application Fees
Fee Types | Years | Fee |
Teacher/Admin/Education Specialist | ||
Initial Educator Certificate | 5 | $60 |
Renewal Educator Certificate | 5 | $60 |
Out-of-State/Out-of-Country Provisional Certificate | 1 | $35 |
Out-of-State/Out-of-Country Provisional Certificate Renewal | 1 | $35 |
Inactive Educator Certificate (Must be valid to apply) | 5 | $25 |
Interim Certificate (Used only if currently in inactive status) | 1 | $25 |
Invalid Educator Penalty Fee (In addition to the application fee) | $100 | |
Educator Permit ONLY | ||
Educator Permit | 5 | $25 |
Educator Permit Renewal (excluding International Exchange) | 5 | $25 |
Performing Artist Permit (Initial and Renewal) | 1 | $25 |
Invalid Educator Penalty Fee Library Science Only (In addition to the application fee) | &bnsp; | $100 |
Alternative Certification (ONLY) | ||
Alternative Preliminary Certificate | 2 | $20 |
Alternative Preliminary Renewal | 2 | $20 |
Alternative Certification Certificate | 1 | $25 |
Alternative Certification Renewal | 1 | $25 |
Alternative Certification Transition | 5 | $60 |
Alt Cert AND Teacher or Administrator | ||
Alt Cert AND Teacher/Admin Renewal at same time | 5 | $60 |
All | ||
Adding Endorsement - Test | $35 | |
Adding Endorsement - Transcript Analysis | $50 | |
Adding Endorsement - Test and Analysis | $50 | |
Conversion to Advanced Certificate | $25 | |
Duplicate Educator Certificate | $25 | |
* All fees are non-refundable or transferrable. |
Yes, an applicant may submit a written request to withdraw a certification application for good cause. The Secretary shall determine if cause exists to permit withdrawal. If withdrawal is permitted, the applicant may not receive a refund of submitted fees.
Public Records Request Process
You will need to complete the Public Records Request application. However, if requesting transcripts, you will need to request those directly from the University.

- Public Educator Search
- Administrative Rules of
South Dakota - Review the email sent with your last certificate issued for deficiency requirements.
- We respond to every request for help. Do not submit duplicate requests.
- If you have an open application, use the comments within
the view status. - SD Certification Statistics
- System functionality issues should be submitted on a contact us request.
- Email: certification
- Phone: 605-773-3134,
press 1 for certification.