Join the Rethinking Educational Models Colloquium
Applications are open for the second cohort of the Rethinking Educational Models Colloquium. This two-year cohort will focus on understanding and implementing competency-based educational models in schools. Topics include mastery-based lesson planning and grading, blended learning, strategic planning, mindset shifts within the community, and educational partners. This summary document includes application information. Questions? Email Dr. Cari Kennedy at TIE, DOE’s grant partner.
School Nutrition Programs return to normal
School superintendents and business officials should have received a memo on March 29 from the Department of Education’s Division of Child and Adult Nutrition Services. It lays out, at a high level, changes to School Nutrition Programs for school year 2022-23. These changes move programs, in part, back to pre-COVID practices. The information has also been communicated with school food service directors.
Promote safe driving and win $10,000 for your school
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. To promote safe teen driving, the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety and South Dakota Broadcasters Association are giving away $20,000! One South Dakota student will win $10,000 for themselves plus another $10,000 for a school-sponsored activity or program. To enter, they need to visit LessonLearnedSD.com and take a two-minute safe driving quiz.
Introducing: Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camp
South Dakota middle school students will have an opportunity to participate in FREE, five-day career exploration camps this summer. Hosted on three South Dakota college campuses, the 2022 Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps will allow incoming seventh and eighth grade students to experience at least 10 different career paths.
Get Ready for SD Week of Work!
We hope you and your students are excited and getting ready for the South Dakota Week of Work. We are pleased to announce that virtual panel information is now available on the 2022 Schedule page of the South Dakota Week of Work website. The Week of Work will take place April 11-15. We encourage you to provide opportunities for your students to connect face-to-face with local businesses and/or access our virtual options.
Vermillion wins gold Turnip the Beet Award from USDA
Congratulations to the Vermillion School District Summer Food Service Program on earning the gold Turnip the Beet Award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture! The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding summer meal program sponsors. The Vermillion School District is one of only 14 sponsors across the nation to qualify for a gold award.
April is Month of the Military Child
Military children make up a special part of our nation’s population, as they stand in steadfast support of their military family members. To honor their unique contributions on behalf of our country, each April is designated the Month of the Military Child. Purple symbolizes all branches of the military – a combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Space Force blue, and Marine red. We encourage your school community to wear purple, or Purple Up! For Military Kids Day, on April 8.
Growing Great Readers Conference speakers announced; registration open
The 2022 SD MTSS Summer Education Conference: Growing Great Readers will be held June 21-22 in Oacoma. The event is open to all districts, and registration is now open. Keynote speakers include Dr. Dale Webster and Erica Hidalgo who will lead an Understanding Comprehension session. Julie Sealine will lead a Decoding and the Struggling Reader workshop.
Child & Adult Advocacy Studies (CAASt) trainings for K-12 educators
CAASt training opportunities are available free to K-12 educators. The training includes components of mandatory reporting, youth suicide awareness and prevention, multidisciplinary approaches, and trauma-informed interventions. A virtual session open to all K-12 educators will be held May 13, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. CT. Schools may also request the training be scheduled and brought to their school staff.
Applications for artists-in-residence due April 15
The South Dakota Arts Council (SDAC) is now accepting sponsor applications for its Artists in Schools and Communities (AISC) program, which provides matching grants to schools, arts councils, and other nonprofit organizations to host artists-in-residence between July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023.
Upcoming Events
A complete listing of events is available at GoSignMeUp.
Board of Education Standards
April 7, Mitchell
SD-STARS Power User Training
April 12-13, Rapid City
May 5, virtual follow-up meeting (included when registering for the event listed above)
Secondary Grades and Writing with Multilingual Learners
April 19-20, Chamberlain
Title Programs Bimonthly Zoominars
April 19, June 21
South Dakota History Conference: Fighting the Good War
April 22-23, Pierre
Using a Trauma Lens to Support Your Students
May 3, Rapid City
Interpreting ACCESS for ELLs Score Report Overview webinar
May 10, online
Growing Great Readers MTSS Summer Education Conference
June 21-22, Oacoma
ExCITE! 2022 (formerly School Library Boot Camp)
June 27-July 29, online
Top 20 Training
July 21-22, Oacoma
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