April 2022 |
TEACHER FEATURE: Schlekeway makes Belle Fourche school libraries modern and engaging
Karen Schlekeway is a school librarian in the Belle Fourche School District. The Belle Fourche Middle School Library recently earned an Exemplary 21st Century School Library Award.
To celebrate School Library Month, we reached out to learn more about Karen and her work!
What is your advice to fellow librarians?
Be BOLD. Be BRAVE. Advocate hard for your program; it is so critically important for educating the “whole” student. Outline the vision for your library and your programs and work hard to make that vision become reality. And most importantly, do not be afraid to keep asking for what you want.
How do you define your role as a school librarian?
I am a woman who wears many hats. I am a collaborator, a seeker of knowledge, a search engine, an editor-in-chief, a champion in helping students navigate the world of scholarships, and a cheerleader for students and teachers. I am diligent in my purpose, resourceful, and mostly I am a lover of knowledge and can proudly say I am a lifelong learner.
What is a project that you’ve found really resonates with your students?
The project that impacts my students the most would be my remodeling of the Belle Fourche High School Library last summer. This library opened in the early 1980s and had seen little updating since its inception. An English teacher, a special education teacher, and I spent much of the summer tearing apart shelves, painting, and genrefying the fiction section. I purchased new comfortable furniture to accommodate patrons. This has completely changed the entire environment of the library. Patrons enjoy their new spaces immensely and tell me that it opened up the whole library and made it welcoming and aesthetically appealing for all of them to enjoy.
How have you sought to improve library services over the years?
In 2015, I led a community book drive to get books in the hands of all my students. Former First Lady of South Dakota Linda Daugaard came to the school, read to students, and paid forward 200 books from our book drive to the next city she visited, which was Sisseton.
During the 2016-17 school year, I was awarded a Classroom Innovation Grant from the South Dakota Department of Education in the amount of $46,694 to turn our middle school library into a makerspace library.
This past summer, I was able to use CARES ESSER funds to purchase new durable, easy-to-clean furniture for our high school library. We turned our library into a modern, genrefied library which offers comfortable, clean spaces and a pleasant environment for all patrons, both students and faculty, to enjoy.
What kinds of unique professional development have you pursued?
In October 2018, I was selected to enter a three-year cohort group of 39 librarians from South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming. This program was made possible through an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant, which entailed face-to-face and virtual learning opportunities for the participants to further develop our librarianship and programs by navigating through rigorous and relevant professional development classes. I earned 12 credits from the University of Sioux Falls. The culminating activity was a session at the American Association of School Librarians National Conference in Salt Lake City in October 2021. We participated in a panel discussion of the benefits and growth experienced during this library-specific professional development opportunity.
I was selected as one of 33 librarians from across the country to go to Washington, D.C., to complete the Primary Sources class during the Summer Institute at the Library of Congress in spring 2019.
April is Month of the Military Child
Military children make up a special part of our nation’s population, as they stand in steadfast support of their military family members. To honor their unique contributions on behalf of our country, each April is designated the Month of the Military Child. Purple symbolizes all branches of the military – a combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Space Force blue, and Marine red.
Teachers needed to help inform state science assessment
South Dakota science teachers are invited to participate in several activities this summer related to state assessments. Participants will be compensated for their time ($150/day) and have the opportunity to network with other science teachers across the state.
The South Dakota Department of Education’s Office of Assessment will hold four meetings for the general education and alternate science assessments in grades 5, 8, and 11 this summer. Participants should have a science and/or special populations background.
Unless otherwise noted, meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams. These meetings will generally last all day, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. Cameras and reliable internet are required.
Please fill out this form to apply by May 1.[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUYfALQNmIpP0E9BsXi3aE3N1NrRYPCLm_qg3h5FrN7bnrCQ/viewform]
- Science Independent Alignment Study review: June 21-23 in Pierre
- Science Alternate Assessment Content Advisory Committee Meeting: July 22
- Science Alternate Assessment Achievement Level Descriptor Meeting: July 25
- Science Alternate Assessment Standard Setting Meeting (set cut scores): July 26–27 (participants must attend both days)
- Science Standard Validation Meeting (validate cut scores): July 28–29 (participants must attend both days)
Questions? Please email Chris Booth [christina.booth@state.sd.us].
21st Century School Library Award applications open until May 1
The State Library recognizes schools with libraries that meet the characteristics of a 21st century school library through their place, professional, and program. Awards recognize the library as Effective, Enhanced, or Exemplary, based on the South Dakota School Library Guidelines. School librarians are encouraged to apply for this special recognition by May 1.
Read more at https://library.sd.gov/LIB/SLC/21stCentAward.aspx.
Apply for SDMath/SDSci Leadership by May 20
SDMath/SDSci Leadership is a program by the South Dakota Department of Education to create and support a dynamic network of educators. The program selects, challenges, and develops K-12 South Dakota mathematics and science educators who have demonstrated an interest in leadership skills related to mathematics and science education.
Apply by May 20 to join the next cohort.
SDMath/SDSci Leadership is designed around the following goals:
- Build capacity by focusing on problem solving, innovation, leadership, systems thinking, change, STEM learner identity and efficacy
- Create a common knowledge base for educational advocacy and leadership, including effective instruction, clarity about STEM, and research-based practices
- Explore challenges and opportunities in our classrooms, schools, districts, state, and nation
- Provide opportunities for all students to be included in the work of mathematics and science teaching and learning
- Understand that the purpose of all of the above is to impact student experiences in mathematics and science for all students
Application Process
Ideal candidates for the SDMath/SDSci Leadership program aspire to grow professionally, challenge their thinking and practice, and be leaders/advocates for effective mathematics and/or science education. Applicants must teach or co-teach in a mathematics or science classroom for at least one course during their participation year. The application process is designed to ensure a class that consists of members from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and geographical locations. Approximately 20 participants are chosen annually.
A completed application requires submission of the following three components by Friday, May 20, at 5 p.m. CT:
Application: https://forms.gle/iN2JAMbbXdLpeT3c9
Letter of recommendation: https://forms.gle/7PYRwqZPZBGaktP9A
Administrator support letter: https://forms.gle/RL9t7Xq6ckCBdPg28
Program Meeting Dates
Upon selection, participants will be expected to attend all of the following meetings:
- Virtual Orientation – Aug. 30, 2022 (4:30 - 5:30 p.m. CT)
- Alpha Retreat – Sept. 17-18, 2022, Pierre
- Beta Retreat – Dec. 10-11, 2022, Pierre
- Virtual Check-in – Jan. 11, 2023 (4:30 - 5:30 p.m. CT)
- Gamma Retreat – Feb. 4-5, 2023, Huron (attendance at SD STEM Ed Conference Feb. 3-4 strongly encouraged)
- Delta Retreat – April 15-16, 2023, Pierre
Registration for SDMath/SDSci Leadership is free. The South Dakota Department of Education is able to cover hotel, mileage, and meals for each of the four retreats.
The SD STEM Ed Conference is an excellent way to network, learn from and with other math and science leaders from across South Dakota, including veterans of the SD Math/SD Sci Leadership program. The South Dakota Department of Education pays for the membership rate (SDCTM or SDSTA) for conference registration, with the expectation that SD Math/SD Sci participants are current on their SDCTM or SDSTA membership dues. The department also pays for the cost of participants’ hotel rooms for Friday night so that they can attend the conference. The department is not able to pay for the cost of a substitute teacher if participants wish to come to the conference on Friday.
Questions? Email Stephanie Higdon [stephanie.higdon@state.sd.us] or call 605-295-8990.
Growing Great Readers Conference speakers announced; registration open
The 2022 SD MTSS Summer Education Conference: Growing Great Readers will be held June 21-22 in Oacoma. The event is open to all districts, and registration is now open. Keynote speakers include Dr. Dale Webster and Erica Hidalgo who will lead an Understanding Comprehension session. Julie Sealine will lead a Decoding and the Struggling Reader workshop.
Read more at https://doe.sd.gov/pressroom/educationonline/2022/04/documents/22-MTSS.pdf.
Child & Adult Advocacy Studies (CAASt) trainings for K-12 educators
CAASt training opportunities are available free to K-12 educators. The training includes components of mandatory reporting, youth suicide awareness and prevention, multidisciplinary approaches, and trauma-informed interventions. A virtual session open to all K-12 educators will be held May 13, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. CT [https://usd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIucOGvqj0iEtxvUgOjnaQEw_mjZtQdSyFS]. Schools may also request the training be scheduled and brought to their school staff.
Find more information on these flyers:
- May 13 CAASt training [https://doe.sd.gov/pressroom/educationonline/2022/04/documents/CAASt-0522.pdf]
- K-12 CAASt training (general) [https://doe.sd.gov/pressroom/educationonline/2022/04/documents/CAASt-Training.pdf]
Training is provided by the University of South Dakota CAASt Program and the Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment, with funding from the Department of Education.
Questions? Contact Tracy Thomes [tracy.thomes@usd.edu] at USD.
Registration open for GFP Summer Teacher Academy
Registration is open for the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Summer Teacher Academy, with locations in Rapid City, Sioux Falls, and Pierre in June. Gain experience, credit, and classroom resources. Classes are filling quickly.
Read more at https://doe.sd.gov/pressroom/zebra/22/04/documents/TeacherAcademy.pdf.
Promote safe driving and win $10,000 for your school
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. To promote safe teen driving, the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety and South Dakota Broadcasters Association are giving away $20,000! One South Dakota student will win $10,000 for themselves plus another $10,000 for a school-sponsored activity or program. To enter, they need to visit LessonLearnedSD.com and take a two-minute safe driving quiz.
The website also lets you and your students see your school’s participation compared to other high schools and districts.
The deadline for entry is April 30.
Let’s work together to keep our roads safe, have the highest participation rate, and win some money for your school!
Upcoming Events
Except where otherwise noted, details on the following events are available at GoSignMeUp [http://southdakota.gosignmeup.com/].
EL Teacher Monthly Check-in Meetings
April 25, online
Board of Education Standards
May 6, Rapid City
SD Regional Math Circles
May 6, Sioux Falls
May 7, Pierre
May 7, Rapid City
Title Programs Bimonthly Zoominars
June 21
Growing Great Readers
MTSS Summer Education Conference
June 21-22, Oacoma
South Dakota Best Practices in Teaching Mathematics
July 21-22, Pierre
Top 20 Training
July 21-22, Oacoma
Foundational Reading Skills Grades 4-8
July 26-27, Fort Pierre
Save the Date: Indian Education Summit
Sept. 8-10, Rapid City
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