Michelle Abbott, Spearfish School District
To raise awareness of the teaching profession and to encourage young people (and adults looking for a new challenge) to consider careers in education, the Department of Education (DOE) has launched a set of videos. These videos feature South Dakota educators talking about the rewards of being a teacher. This week, we're featuring Michelle Abbott, who teaches 2nd grade in Spearfish. Michelle talks about how her love of learning inspired her to become a teacher so that she can ignite that spark in her students.
This section highlights upcoming professional development opportunities offered by the Department of Education. For a full list of trainings, visit DOE's new professional development platform at sded.sd.gov.
Interim Assessment Trainings
Mitchell – Jan. 28
Rapid City – Jan. 30
Brookings – Feb. 4
Mobridge – Feb. 6
The Office of Assessment & Accountability is hosting face-to-face interim assessment trainings. These trainings are in-depth and will have teachers and administrators in attendance to share their specific experiences using the interim assessments. Participants will receive four Continuing Education Contact Hours for attending.
Click on a location - date above to register.
Our Dakota Dreams Educator Webinar: High School Dual Credit Update
Feb. 18
This one-hour webinar is designed for high school teachers and career counselors. Learn about postsecondary coursework opportunities available to juniors and seniors through the High School Dual Credit program. Program updates will be provided by both the South Dakota Board of Regents on behalf of the state universities, and South Dakota technical colleges.
This course is a part of the Dakota Dreams Educator Webinar Series. To register, visit the DOE's professional development platform. Those who attend the live webinar through the completion of a short survey will receive one continuing education contact hour. Contact Andrea Effling with any questions.
Book Study: "Teaching Behavior - Managing Classrooms through Effective Instruction"
March 2 - April 13
If you want strategies to increase student engagement, better manage disruptive students, promote positive behaviors, increase student achievement, and improve student relationships, this book study of Terrance Scott's "Teaching Behavior - Managing Classrooms through Effective Instruction" is for you.
This six-week virtual, self-paced class provides participants with strategies that draw from current evidence-based practices and real-world examples to get to the heart of effective teaching. Participants will gain insight on why instruction is the foundation for all student behavior and will be provided with practical tools for managing all types of student behaviors.
Registration is limited to 75 participants. Graduation credit is available. Participants must purchase their own book. Register online. Please contact Becky Cain with any questions.
Adventure Awaits: 2025 South Dakota Special Education Conference
March 18-19
Rapid City
The Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs invites administrators, teachers, and professionals in general education and special education to register for the annual South Dakota Special Education Conference. This year's theme is "Adventure Awaits." This conference provides a unique experience for South Dakota educators to gather with colleagues, service providers, and parents. Participants will learn about evidence-based innovations, educational trends leading towards best practices, and practical solutions for special education classrooms.
The conference will be March 18-19 at the Monument in Rapid City. Participants may be eligible for up to 15 continuing education contact hours.