Aug. 16, 2023

Using Interim Assessments to Support Instruction

As students return to the classroom this fall, administrators and teachers will be considering the question, "What knowledge and skills do my students currently possess, and how can I assist my students to work toward grade-level skills?"

The DOE is sponsoring a workshop to help administrators and teachers make the best use of interim assessments as an instructional resource in the classroom. This in-person workshop will provide an overview on how districts or schools can create a three-year target report, analyze summative assessment data for trends, and make the interim assessments a part of classroom success. Participants will hear from South Dakota districts on how they utilize the state-provided Interim Assessments, and they will be given time to work.

This workshop is open to any school administrator or teacher. All workshops will go from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. local time. Register for one of the trainings below:

Questions? Email Rebecca Frerichs.