Nov. 8, 2023

Veterans Day: Acknowledging military-connected students

Every year in November, the nation takes a day to celebrate its veterans. The Department of Education (DOE) would like to thank those teachers in the state who have served in the military and as educators for our youth. Many veterans carry with them invaluable life experiences that enrich our classrooms.

For those educators who teach the children of military personnel or veterans, Veterans Day is also a good time to acknowledge these connections. Children of veterans, and especially children of active duty military personnel, have particular hurdles in education. The stress of deployed parents, as well as the disruption of transitioning to different schools, requires extra support.

Schools that serve communities with a large military presence accommodate the specific needs of the children of military communities. The Douglas School District, which serves families stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base, is a Purple Star Designated School. Purple Star Designated Schools ensure that military students and families have a specific point of contact within the school to help with issues unique to military families. Since military families move regularly, Purple Star schools maintain a student-led transition program to help students acclimate to their new community. These supports and others ensure that military children transition successfully into new schools and stay on track for graduation. To learn more about Purple Star schools, visit the Purple Star school website.