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Christy Saltsman, Gettysburg School District
To raise awareness of the teaching profession and to encourage young people (and adults looking for a new challenge) to consider careers in education, the Department of Education (DOE) has launched a series of videos. The videos feature South Dakota educators talking about the rewards of being a teacher. This week, we're featuring Christy Saltsman, a K-8 physical education and middle school math teacher from Gettysburg School District. Saltsman talks about how, even though she has been teaching for 25 years, every day is a new day.
This section highlights upcoming professional development opportunities offered by the Department of Education. For a full list of trainings, visit DOE's new professional development platform at sded.sd.gov.
School Counselor Best Practices Share Session
Jan. 28, Rapid City or Feb. 6, 2025 Sioux Falls
Make your school counselor professional development an enjoyable getaway this winter by attending one of the two School Counselor Best Practices Share Sessions in South Dakota! Led by the DOE's Andrea Effling, these workshops bring school counselors from across the state together to collaborate with fellow school counselors and to explore the SD School Counseling Model.
Register online. Contact Andrea Effling for more information.
Capital Connections: A Legislative Experience for Social Studies Educators
Feb. 3-4, 2025, Pierre
Middle and high school civics and government teachers are invited to the state capital to experience first-hand the workings of state government.
Teachers who take part in Capital Connections will study the process of governing through observation and conversations with those responsible for making, implementing, and interpreting the law. Educators will return to their classrooms with a deeper understanding of the workings of government and a renewed enthusiasm for preparing the next generation of citizens and leaders.
Participating teachers will receive a $300 stipend and complimentary lodging and meals. Those who fully participate in Capital Connections will receive 15 continuing education contact hours. Register online.
Writing with Multilingual Learners in the Elementary Classroom
March 10-11, 2025, Sioux Falls
This two-day workshop focuses on writing instruction that supports the use of the Teaching and Learning Cycle to best help multilingual writers communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences. Participants will learn how to help students leverage writing as a powerful tool to understand the world, to express themselves effectively, and to argue for the things they believe in. This interactive workshop will explore a pedagogical approach that encourages multilingual learners to explore how language works in written form.
Register online. Contact Shari Lord for more information.
Adventure Awaits: 2025 Special Education Conference
March 18-19, 2025, Rapid City
The annual Special Education Conference provides an opportunity for South Dakota educators, related service providers, and parents to gather and discuss evidence-based innovations, educational trends towards best practices, and practical solutions for special education classrooms.
Participants may earn five continuing education contact hours. For more information, and to register, visit the Adventure Awaits website.