High School Transition for Students with Disabilities
Transition services are a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability, based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences and interests; and designed to be within a results-oriented process.
Focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities.

The mission of the Transition Services Liaison Project (TSLP) is to enable students with disabilities to reach their maximum potential in their transition from high school to the adult world. The state of SD has 5 regionally based staff to provide supports and technical assistance to students with disabilities and their families, local education agencies seeking information on transition planning.
- Activities provided by the liaisons include:
- Training to students, families, schools, VR Counselors, and adult service agencies on transition and development of transition plans
- Identifying and obtaining instructional materials
- Written technical assistance guides made available for interested individuals
TSLP is funded by SD Special Education Programs Office and Division of Rehabilitation Services, with Black Hills Special Services Cooperative being the program management agency.
TSLP website has a vast array of documents, resources, etc… for school districts, students, and parents.
Career Awareness is a predictor of secondary transition success for students with disabilities. SD MyLife provides students access beginning in 8th grade until 5 years after they exit public education. SD MyLife provides students an opportunity to identify with a career that is related to their interest areas and ability. It also helps them plan coursework, possible post secondary training options, create a resume, connect with businesses in South Dakota and many other activities. SD MyLife is assistive technology accessible for almost all areas of the online application.
Contact the South Dakota Department of Education's Special Education Office at 605-773-3678 with questions.