JAG Implementation

JAG-Todd County students invited Senator Troy Heinert to share about the legislative process during the statewide project-based learning Capitol Conversations.
School Implementation
The JAG-SD model is implemented during the school year as an elective class. School personnel identify students with at least five of the over 50 barriers to success who will benefit from the competency-based employability skills curriculum. A certified teacher from the district, called a JAG Specialist, receives specialized training to implement the model. In addition, the Specialist maintains contact with students for 12 months following their graduation from high school in order to assist with positive post-graduation outcomes.
In order to implement the JAG-SD model, there is a commitment needed from the schools/districts:
- Salary and benefits for JAG Specialist
- Release time for JAG Specialist to attend bi-monthly team meetings
- Board resolution adopting program
- Funds allocated for transportation to business field trips, college visits, two in-state conferences, JAG Specialist training and the national Student Leadership Academy in Washington, DC.
To learn more about Jobs for America's Graduates, visit JAG.org.

JAG-Andes Central student, Sebastian Stone, worked with a local nursery and the high school science teacher to grow vegetables from seeds for a community garden.
Business Implementation
Business volunteers play an integral role in the success of the Jobs for America's Graduates initiative. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please contact Beth Schneider, JAG-SD State Director.
- Volunteers to bring the business perspective to classrooms by discussing a wide range of employability skills and employer expectations
- Tours of employer facilities to expose students to a variety of jobs, dress codes, peer interactions, and business culture
- Student mentoring, which can happen in the school setting or be integrated into on-site employer visits
- Job shadowing or internships for high school students
- Serve on a panel of business judges for statewide or regional student competitions
- Sponsorship and donations to cover transportation costs