Food Distribution Program
The Food Distribution Program (FDP) for child nutrition programs provides entitlement and bonus USDA Foods to local agencies. Each agency's allocation is based on the average daily participation and a per meal entitlement set for each program.
Over 4 million pounds of USDA donated products (commodities) valued at over $2 million are distributed in SD schools annually. In addition, over 720,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables are distributed. The money to support this comes from a portion of USDA food entitlement. These are available to both public and non-public school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch Program. Summer Food Service organizations receive a very small commodity entitlement.
Upon receipt of your USDA Foods:
- Count each and every commodity received!
- Verify that the amounts received match the bill of lading.
- Accept only commodities listed. Do not accept substitutions or overages. You are not required to keep something you did not order. Do not accept damaged product.
- Visually Check for signs of damage.
- Note & Initial shortages on bill of lading
- Both you AND the driver must sign two copies of the bill of lading.
- Submit an O,S & D report, within 5 days of receipt, on the iCAN website, for deliveries with discrepancies.
Numbered policy/instruction memos:
USDA releases numbered policy memos which govern the programs in addition to the laws, regulations, and guidance manuals. The legislation, regulations and policy memos can be found under its respective program on the USDA website. South Dakota no longer releases the numbered memos separately. Announcements are provided through email, bulletins, and newsletters with reference to the appropriate USDA website.
Bulk Processing is one way for schools to use their entitlement.
A school can designate all, or a portion of their food entitlement towards the processing of raw bulk materials into usable end products. For example, raw bulk chicken pounds can be processed into chicken patties, chicken nuggets, or chicken tenders.
It is the schools responsibility to properly procure processed items they would like to purchase through a distributor. Consult with your school's business manager or superintendent to determine if you will need to do an informal or formal bidding process.
The state agency procures some processed end-product items. These items would not need to be bid separately by the schools. For questions regarding processed USDA Food items currently on bid, please contact the Child and Adult Nutrition Services Food Distribution Office.
Bulk Processing Documents:
For more information, contact the SD Department of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services at 605-773-3413.