Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program
USDA's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program makes fresh fruit and vegetable snacks available at no cost to all children in participating schools. The number of children participating in the program varies each year. The program is geared toward elementary schools with the highest percentages of low income students. Total enrollment of all schools selected in the state must result in a per-student allocation of $50-$75.
Administered at the state level by Child & Adult Nutrition Services - the same agency that administers the National School Lunch Program — the program is seen as an important catalyst for changes in efforts to combat childhood obesity by helping children learn more healthful eating habits. The FFVP introduce school children to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have had the opportunity to sample.

- 2024-25 Participating Schools
- Budget Tracking Forms
- Budget Tracking Form Instructions
- Claims for Reimbursement Due Dates
- Claims for Reimbursement Instructions — iCAN
- FFVP Program Information
- FFVP Handbook
- Equipment Justification and Purchase Form
- How to Complete Sponsor Application in iCAN
- FFVP Program Requirements and Information — 56 slides
- FFVP Claiming Instructions — 18 slides
- FFVP Budgeting
- FFVP iCAN User Manual
For more information, contact the SD Department of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services at 605-773-3413 or