Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Grant
Round 2
Under the federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, South Dakota has chosen high and chronic absenteeism and low attendance rate as priority and will provide funds to (LEAs) to specifically target this priority.
For South Dakota's purposes for this grant, a high-need LEA is one in which the district, building, or population subgroup attendance is below 85%, its high absenteeism rate (more than 30 days per school year) is above 5%, or its chronic absenteeism rate (missed 10 % or more of enrolled days within the school year) more than doubled since the same statistic pre-pandemic.
- Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Grant Information and Application
- Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Grant Equitable Service Document
- Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Grant Budget template
- Nonpublic School Calculator
Additional Resources:

Application deadline: Sept. 18, 2023 (emailed by 12 p.m. CT)
Scope: Grant requests may be up to $500,000 for Round 2 proposals
Contact: Direct questions to