Elevating Literacy Across South Dakota (ELA-SD)
a Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant (CLSD)
This project aims to improve literacy outcomes for PreK-12 students by supporting public school districts with implementation of the South Dakota Literacy Framework. Through a tiered approach 95% of the grant funds will be sub-granted to LEAs through a competitive grant process. LEAs will use those funds to implement literacy improvement plans and improve literacy instruction in alignment with the Science of Reading.
ELA-SD Objectives
Objective 1: Develop a set of statewide tools, resources, and supports available for all in-service and pre-service educators in the state.
Objective 2: Create a statewide system of tiered literacy support.
Objective 3: Invest in districts with the highest needs.
Tiered Approach
This tiered approach includes three levels of support based on LEA need:
Tier 1: Foundational Training and Resources for All LEAs -
Accessible to all LEAs, Tier 1 support includes foundational training and resources planned and delivered by the state. Training aims to establish sustainable resources and a shared understanding of critical areas, focusing on:
- Goals, objectives, and strategies in the South Dakota Literacy Framework.
- Effective evidence-based literacy education practices.
- Support strategies for students with disabilities and English Learners (EL).
- Development and implementation of literacy improvement plans.
Tier 2: Targeted Support for High-Need Districts (two-year grants) -
Designed for LEAs with a high percentage of students reading below grade level, Tier 2 competitive subgrants will support districts in scaling their literacy efforts. In addition to Tier 1 activities and foundational training, these LEAs will receive CLSD subgrants to further support improvement efforts. These grants will help LEAs develop literacy improvement plans, audit existing practices, provide professional learning opportunities, and receive technical assistance and coaching.
Tier 3: Intensive Support for Highest-Need LEAs (four-year grants) -
Targeting LEAs with the highest proportions of students reading below grade level and those most affected by COVID-19 attendance issues, Tier 3 provides CLSD subgrants to support literacy improvement plans, purchase supplemental evidence-based programs, hire literacy coaches, and offer ongoing professional development.
Required Activities
- District-level literacy leadership team
- District-level literacy plan
- Statewide literacy network participation
- Annual state literacy conference attendance
- Universal literacy screening assessment
- Oral language assessment for PreK (only PreK grantees)
- Evaluation and monitoring activities
- Reserve 6% of funds for evaluation, monitoring, network
Allowable Uses of Funds
- Stipends or substitute pay, travel costs, and materials for participation in required activities and state literacy trainings
- District identified professional learning aligned to the South Dakota Literacy Framework
- Statewide literacy coach training
*Tier 3 only
- Literacy screeners and assessments
- Supplemental high-quality instructional materials (as identified through a curriculum audit)
- Literacy coach salary
Unallowable Uses of Funds
- District staff salaries
- Non-literacy materials
- Furniture or general office supplies
- Technology- not related to screeners and programs
- Out-of-state travel
- Food or incentives
The information provided above is tentative and subject to change. Requirements, allowable uses of funds, and restrictions may be updated based on federal guidance or funding adjustments.
Eligible School Districts:
Elevating Literacy Across South Dakota (ELA-SD) Grant | |
Aberdeen 06-1 | McIntosh 15-1 |
Andes Central 11-1 | McLaughlin 15-2 |
Belle Fourche 09-1 | Menno 33-2 |
Bennett County 03-1 | Oelrichs 23-3 |
Bowdle 22-1 | Oglala Lakota County 65-1 |
Chamberlain 07-1 | Plankinton 01-1 |
Clark 12-2 | Rapid City Area 51-4 |
Colome Consolidated 59-3 | Sioux Falls 49-5 |
Doland 56-2 | Sisseton 54-2 |
Dupree 64-2 | Smee 15-3 |
Eagle Butte 20-1 | Summit 54-6 |
Edgemont 23-1 | Todd County 66-1 |
Edmunds Central 22-5 | Tripp-Delmont 33-5 |
Faith 46-2 | Wagner Community 11-4 |
Flandreau 50-3 | Waubay 18-3 |
Henry 14-2 | Waverly 14-5 |
Hot Springs 23-2 | White Lake 01-3 |
Huron 02-2 | White River 47-1 |
Iroquois 02-3 | Willow Lake 12-3 |
Langford Area 45-5 | Wilmot 54-7 |
Leola 44-2 | Winner 59-2 |
Lyman 42-1 | Woonsocket 55-4 |
Marion 60-3 |
- Application opens: March 20, 1995
- Live Technical Assistance Webinars:
- March 25, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST
- April 3, 2025 - 10:00 AM CST
- April 7, 2025 - 2:00 PM CST
- Application deadline: April 16, 2025
- Application review: 3-4 weeks after application deadline
- Awards announced - approximately May 20, 2025
- Funds available to grantees - October 1, 2025
For more information email DOE Literacy at the South Dakota Department of Education.