Mental Health
This page offers a collection of resources and information related to mental health that may be of use to educators and the general public.

The South Dakota Department of Education is providing posters with helpful mental health information and resources for students, adults, and educators. Schools may print posters and display them in areas where students may see them and utilize the information and resources.
The growing need for school-based mental and behavioral health services requires schools to engage in systematic prevention and responses. The Multi-Tiered Framework of Available Mental & Behavioral Health Services document provides a list of resources and programs available to schools in South Dakota, categorized by tiered level of support.
Multi-Tiered Framework of Available Mental & Behavioral Health Services
Three Prevention Resource Centers provide regional support to students, parents, educators, community groups, community agencies, law enforcement, and any other interested entities looking for prevention resource materials and support. Each PRC has a resource library with videos, DVDs, books, CDs, brochures, and curricula available to the public for use. PRC staff are also able to provide training and education in the areas of prevention. To access a PRC's resource library, request training or technical assistance, contact the PRC that serves your region.
This statewide tip line allows South Dakota students, school staff, and community members to safely and anonymously report sensitive information that concerns their safety, or the safety of others, including mental health concerns.
School-based mental health providers include: school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, and community-based clinical mental health counselors and social workers. These professionals support each other while bringing unique training and expertise to address the academic, career, and social-emotional and behavioral needs of K-12 students.
Multiple state agencies worked collaboratively to develop the South Dakota Prevention Framework to create common language and a process when doing prevention programming. It is also designed to guide prevention programming along the continuum of Good, Better, and Best.
The Office of Student Wellness and Supports provides assistance and resources for all students to learn, thrive, and grow. This office also strives to build strong connections and partnerships across South Dakota so educators can best support whole child needs involving social-emotional, academic, and career.
The Helpline Center connects people to resources and support. Staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
988 is a direct connection to compassionate, accessible care and support for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress, suicide crisis, or substance use. People can also call 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
For more information on mental health, visit the Behavioral Health Service webpage.
For emergencies, please call 911.
For help with a mental health crisis, call or text 988 or chat with a crisis counselor.
For assistance with food and other essential needs, call 211 or visit the 211 Helpline Center webpage.