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Leading for Youth Success

Out-of-school time programs play crucial roles in the learning and development of youth in South Dakota. Recognizing this, the South Dakota Department of Education (DOE) emphasizes supporting high-quality out-of-school time programs statewide. These programs not only provide a safe and secure environment for youth outside of school hours but also offer opportunities for extended learning, social connections, and enjoyable experiences.

Path2Impact offers three pathways - Instruction and Engagement, Sustainable Teams, and Leadership - to assist programs in personal and professional growth within South Dakota's OST programs. It provides resources and tools to help individuals thrive personally and professionally, contributing to South Dakota's youth's development and success.

Path2Impact resources can be accessed through the Department of Education's professional learning platform. If you have not accessed the platform before, visit the Professional Learning Platform page for assistance.

Leadership Path
Teams Path
Instruction Path


For more information, contact Alan Haarstad or Stephanie Cronin

Path2Impact is a project funded with federal dollars available to the South Dakota Department of Education through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to support out-of-school time (OST) programs in areas of leadership, professional development, curriculum content, staff onboarding, and more. The project is led by Black Hills Special Services Cooperative (BHSSC).