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Statewide Longitudinal Data System

The Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System (SD-STARS) is a Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) that drives the educational initiatives to improve instruction and student performance. The goal for SD-STARS is to securely consolidate and link all educational data that currently resides within the SD DOE. In other words, it pulls data that is already available from different sources (ex: Infinite Campus, assessments), places the data into a centralized system, and links data together. This increases data availability for reporting and analysis that is used by teachers, schools, districts, and the DOE as well as external stakeholders, such as policy makers and researchers. SD-STARS also allows for deeper and richer performance analysis by bringing student, teacher, principal, and financial data together.

       Data Sources and Reports     

Log-in to SD STARS. Link.
Select image to log-into SD-STARS

Purpose, Components and Security
Upcoming Trainings
District STARS Account Managers
District Power Users
STARS Certified Trainers
STARS Advisory Group
Frequently Asked Questions