Summer Food Service Program
The Summer Food Service Program provides meals to children in low-income areas when school is not in session. Throughout South Dakota, sponsors such as schools, private non-profit organization, and government entities participate in providing meals during school vacations.
To participate in the program, a sponsor must first determine if it serves a low-income area. The sponsor may have an area with 50 percent of the area's population qualified for free or reduced priced meals, which allows all children age 18 and under to eat meals for free. If a select group of low-income children participate in a program that is not in a low-income area, each child will qualify and if over 50 percent of those in the program qualify for free or reduced priced meals each month, all the children 18 years of age and under in attendance at the site may receive free meals. Camps are an exception; both residential and non-residential camps must collect and maintain income eligibility forms. Camps are reimbursed only for those enrolled children who meet the free and/or reduced price eligibility standards.
The new SFSP flyer is available. Please use this to promote your summer program in your community.
Claims for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) are being completed through the iCAN system. If you have any issues, contact the CANS office at (605) 773-3413 and your call will be directed to someone that can help you. Please see the current Summer Food Service Program reimbursement rates under the Documents tab.
Applications for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) are now completed through the web-based system, iCAN. To receive more information on SFSP participation, please contact Child and Adult Nutrition Services (CANS) at (605) 773-3413.
If you have an existing sponsor in iCAN, but need to receive access to the system, please complete the iCAN User ID Request form and email to DOE.SchoolLunch@state.sd.us. A separate form must be completed by each individual that needs access to iCAN for application and/or claims. User IDs and passwords are specific to each individual and must not be shared with others.
Visit the CANS Website under the Training tab for more information.
Summer Food in Indian Country Videos- Cooking Temperature Chart
- Farm to Summer Decision Tree Chart
- FNS Instruction 113-1 Civil Rights - Nutrition Programs and Activities
- Food Buying Guide
- Food Safety for Summer Meals
- Multiple Languages
- SFSP Area Eligibility Mapper
- SFSP Financial Management FNS 796-4, Rev 4 Allowable Costs
- SFSP Regulations Part 225
- SFSP sample menus
- SFSP USDA Handbooks
- Summer Food — USDA
- Summer Meals Toolkit
- Team Nutrition
- USDA Memorandums
- USDA SFSP Training Videos
For more information, contact the SD Department of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services at 605-773-3413, or DOE.SchoolLunch@state.sd.us. Numbered Memos are available for reference.