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CTE: Industry Recognized Credentials

Industry recognized credentials are a way for students to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills. They can increase job prospects and options for post-secondary education as well as increase their marketability to employers.

State Approved Industry Recognized Credentials

State approved credentials (2024-2025)
State approved credentials (2025-2026)

Recommendations for additions to the state-approved Industry Recognized Credentials list may be submitted using the recommendation form All recommendations must be received by August 1 to be considered for the following school year. An updated list of state-approved Industry Recognized Credentials will be posted online by January each year.

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Industry Recognized Credentials and Graduation Requirements

To meet the requirements of the South Dakota High School Graduation Advanced Career Endorsement a student must earn at least one state approved industry-recognized credential. If the student is meeting the requirements of the endorsement through coursework in an approved CTE program (either in part or in full), the credential must be from the same cluster as the student s coursework.

Districts must note a student s industry-recognized credential on a transcript if the student earns the Advanced Career Endorsement.

Additional information about graduation requirements.

Industry Recognized Credentials and Career & Technical Education

For approved Career and Technical Education programs, the following guidelines show the conditions in which Perkins funds may or may not be used to pay for industry-recognized credentials.

Perkins funds may be used Perkins funds may not be used
If the industry recognized credential is required for all students enrolled in a CTE course that is part of an approved CTE program If the certification is optional in a CTE course
If the certification is used as a CTE course assessment for all students enrolled in the course and must be part of an approved CTE program If the district paid for the certification in the prior year using state or local funds

Districts are encouraged to note industry-recognized credentials for all students on a transcript.

Additional information about approved CTE programs.

Transcripting Industry Recognized Credentials

Districts are encouraged to note industry-recognized credentials for all students on a transcript.

Districts must note a student s industry-recognized credential on a transcript if the student earns the Advanced Career Endorsement.

Instructions for posting industry recognized credentials to student transcripts are located on the Student Data Collections Desk Guide.

Career and Technical Education