Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway

With funding available through the Department of Labor and Regulation, South Dakota is offering a 3rd cohort for its registered Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway (TAP). The purpose of the program is to provide paraprofessionals employed in an accredited school system the opportunity to earn a teaching certificate, assuming a full course load each term. Through completion of this program, participants will earn a bachelor's degree in elementary education, special education, or secondary education while continuing to work as a paraprofessional in their school and receiving support from experienced mentors.
The South Dakota Department of Education is in partnership with the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, Dakota State University (elementary and special education), Northern State University (secondary education), the South Dakota Board of Regents, and local school districts. This effort is aimed at addressing teacher shortage challenges across the state.
The 3rd cohort will have up to 50 participants.
Apply here.
- The Teacher Apprenticeship Pathway is a program aimed at moving paraprofessionals (i.e., teacher's aides) currently working in South Dakota schools to certified teaching positions.
- NSU and DSU offer the necessary coursework over a two- to three-year period, culminating in a student-teaching experience in the paraprofessional's home district and resulting in a bachelor's degree in education.
- Coursework is offered virtually in the evenings or other convenient times, so the apprentice-teacher can continue to work in the school as he or she is taking classes.
- Selected participants must be employed as a paraprofessional (also known as an "aide", "educational assistant" or "teacher's aide") during the apprenticeship until the beginning of their student-teaching period at which time the participant will be unable to fulfill paraprofessional duties while they are completing their student teaching requirements. Participants will continue to be compensated at rates determined by the district during this employment.
- Selected participants will be responsible for $1,000 per year to assist with tuition, along with the cost of required books and state-designated assessments, such as the Praxis test.
- Selected participants will be required to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Eligibility for TAP is not based on the FAFSA award, but any grants an individual would be eligible for may be applied toward educational costs.
- School districts will complete a statement of assurance and recommendation form for their paraprofessional(s). This form will be provided to the district near the close of the application period. This form will be returned directly to South Dakota Department of Education to ensure privacy of the recommendation.
- School districts will be responsible for $1,000/year to help support the local mentors that will be working with the teacher apprentices.
- School districts will identify and provide the local primary mentor for their apprentices. Guidelines for selection will be provided.
- April 1, 2025
Applications close - June 1-15, 2025
Selection notification occurs - July 21, 2025
Orientation meeting in Pierre for selected apprentices and their local primary mentor-teachers - Fall 2025
Classes to begin - Summer 2028
Classes associated with Cohort 3 end