May 2022 |
SECRETARY’S COLUMN: Where did the year go?
The school year is winding down. Secretary Sanderson has a message of thanks for educators’ dedication to making it a great one for South Dakota students and pushing them to do their best.
Newly approved suicide prevention trainings available
The Board of Education Standards has approved three new suicide prevention trainings to meet the requirement of SDCL 13-42-71 for educator certification. One clock hour of approved youth suicide awareness and prevention training is required for educators for initial and renewal certification.
New social studies commission announced
In April, the Department of Education announced the formation of a new Social Studies Content Standards Commission. The group’s first meeting was held May 4. The commission will meet throughout the summer.
High school accountability measure to change
The U.S. Department of Education has approved an amendment to South Dakota’s ESSA State Plan. The change is to the state’s accountability system, and specifically, the College & Career Readiness Indicator for high schools.
DOE announces Regional Teachers of the Year
The South Dakota Department of Education is pleased to announce the following individuals as South Dakota’s Regional Teachers of the Year:
- Region #1: Alyssa Cassels, 5-12 band instructor, Deuel School District
- Region #2: Deb Jensen, kindergarten, Viborg-Hurley School District
- Region #3: Loretta Knodel, third grade, Avon School District
- Region #4: Jennifer Weishaar, first grade, Aberdeen School District
- Region #5: Jennifer Macziewski, K-1 Primary, Rapid City Area Schools
SD Week of Work a success, panel recordings posted online
Thank you to the school districts who participated in the 2022 South Dakota Week of Work and provided tremendous work-based learning opportunities for their students during this special week and to those who do so all school year long! This event helps introduce middle and high school students to career opportunities in their own communities and across South Dakota.
2022 Workforce Education Grant recipients announced
Nine South Dakota Workforce Education Grants, totaling $1,418,942 have been awarded to South Dakota public school districts. In 2013, the South Dakota Legislature established the Workforce Education Fund.
Check out menu of professional learning options
The South Dakota Department of Education’s Office of Title Programs is offering an opportunity for schools to choose from a menu of professional learning opportunities. Participants will commit to an ongoing, hands-on opportunity of their choice. This opportunity is free. Schools can express interest by completing this questionnaire. Participation is on a first come, first serve basis. Questions? Email Jordan Varilek.
DOE sets targets for State Performance Plan
DOE’s Special Education Programs (SEP) has set targets for all students with disabilities receiving special education services in a public school district. SEP worked with stakeholders in 2021 to determine new baselines and targets and develop strategies to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
DOE to host Curriculum Directors Day
Join the Department of Education for a time of collaboration and connection with state leaders and South Dakota curriculum directors. The day will include a panel discussion with South Dakota leaders in curriculum and instruction. The meeting will be held in Pierre. Register by May 30. Questions? Contact Vera Tipton in the department’s Division of Learning and Instruction.
Congratulations to 2022 Perkins Reserve Grant recipients
Perkins Reserve Grants, which provide funds to support the purchase of industry-grade classroom equipment or curricula and high-quality professional development opportunities, were recently awarded to nine school districts. Congratulations!
Summit to help build support for youth experiencing homelessness
The Breaking Down Barriers and Building Support summit aims to bring together those who work to support families with children ages birth through grade 12. School districts, state agencies, and community-based organizations are invited to hear a shared message, connect, and build relationships. Register today.
Upcoming Events
A complete listing of events is available at GoSignMeUp.
Board of Education Standards
May 6, Rapid City
Interpreting ACCESS for ELLs Score Report Overview webinar
May 10, online
Grants Management Work Sessions
May 16, Pierre
May 17, Pierre
PREPaRE training – Comprehensive School Safety Planning: Prevention through Recovery
May 31, Vermillion
Driver Education Endorsement classes
May 31-July 1, Northern State University
PREPaRE training – Mental Health Crisis Interventions: Responding to an Acute Traumatic Stressor in Schools
June 1-2, Vermillion
Curriculum Directors Day
June 6, Pierre
Title Programs Bimonthly Zoominars
June 21
Growing Great Readers MTSS Summer Education Conference
June 21-22, Oacoma
Breaking Down Barriers and Building Support Summit
June 23, Oacoma
Top 20 Training
(Schools can use ESSER funds to attend this training)
July 21-22, Oacoma
CTE Summer Conference
July 24-27, Sioux Falls
Save the Date: Indian Education Summit
Sept. 8-10, Rapid City
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