Ladonna Mielke Mobridge Pollock Middle School Social Studies
Ladonna Mielke serves as a mentor for the DOE’s Mentoring Program. Last summer, she and her mentee, Logan Kadoun, went on the East River Road Trip with the DOE.
This section highlights upcoming professional development opportunities offered by the Department of Education. For a full list of trainings, visit DOE's professional development platform at sded.sd.gov.
K-3 Foundational Reading
- Brookings: May 28-30; Sioux Falls: July 8-10; Rapid City: July 22-24; Aberdeen: July 29-31
This course, geared for those who teach K-3, provides in-person sessions that focus on the five foundational literacy skills: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The training will include research and work from reading experts as well as specific strategies for working with all students in the kindergarten through third grade level. Registration is now open.
4-8 Foundational Reading Training
- Sioux Falls: July 11-12; Rapid City: July 25-26; Aberdeen: Aug. 1-2
This research-based training incorporates phonemic awareness and phonics, but focuses on fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension, which are so important in intermediate grades. The training includes both a research-informed knowledge base and sample lesson models. Participants will be provided with skills and materials that can be implemented into teaching practices during the school year. Registration is now open.
Train the Reading Facilitator
- Rapid City: June 3-7; Sioux Falls: June 10-12; and June 20-21
Specifically designed for literacy specialists, teacher-leaders, and curriculum directors, this course will provide participants with the tools necessary to help their team incorporate the science of teaching reading using The Teaching Reading Sourcebook (3rd Edition), along with the SD ELA standards, Anita Archer’s Explicit Instruction, Dr. Louisa Moats’ LETRS, and Multiple Measures, 2nd Edition. Registration is open.
Explicit Instruction
- Rapid City: June 4-5; Sioux Falls: June 19-20; Watertown: June 19-20
This two-day course is built around Dr. Anita Archer’s book, Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching. The workshop, designed for K-12 teachers, will allow participants to actively participate in sample lessons and collaborate with peers through discussion relating to the best methods of using explicit instruction in the classroom. Registration is open.
Electronic Resources for Teachers Course
Designed for K-12 teachers as an introduction to the electronic resources provided by the South Dakota State Library (SDSL), this course is offered online via Canvas for eight continuing education contact hours. Participants will discover the benefits of the SDSL electronic resources and how to incorporate them into their lessons. Registration is now open.
MTSS Conference
Registration for the 2024 Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Conference is open. This two-day conference in Oacoma, S.D., will provide educators tools to ensure positive learning outcomes for all students in the classroom. Keynote topics this year include Adolescent Literacy Instruction and Intervention and Classroom Management: Addressing Escalating Behavior.
To sign up, go to mypath.link/MTSS