Nita M. Lowey
21st Century Community Learning Centers

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program is to establish or expand community learning centers that provide students with academic enrichment opportunities along with activities designed to complement the students' regular academic program.
Centers provide a range of high-quality services to support student learning and development, including tutoring and mentoring, homework help, academic enrichment (such as hands-on science or technology programs), and community service opportunities, as well as music, arts, sports and cultural activities.
Centers must provide academic enrichment activities to students that attend high-poverty or Title 1 school-wide schools to help them meet state and local standards in core subjects especially reading, and mathematics. At the same time, centers help working parents by providing a safe environment for students when school is not in session.
Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Non-Regulatory Guidance
Please see the Notice of Intent to Apply for the eligibility requirements for the Nita M. Lowey 21 Century Community Learning Centers grant program.
A Notice of Intent to Apply must be completed and submitted to apply for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC) Grant for time period July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2030. A Notice of Intent to Apply must be submitted for each grant application and each proposed project must serve a separate student population. A Notice of Intent to Apply must be received via email or postmarked by January 13, 2025. The Notice of Intent to Apply document can be found on the page fifteen of the GY2026 Guidelines.
- 2022 21st CCLC Program Evaluation
- 2022 21st CCLC Program Evaluation Pillars
- 2018 21st CCLC Program Evaluation
- 2018 Executive Summary
- Before and After School Program Licensure
- Current 21st Century Community Learning Center Grantees
- External Organization List
- Private School Equitable Services
- Sample Equipment Inventory spreadsheet
Path2Impact provides three pathways that give participants resources and tools to grow personally and professionally in South Dakota's OST programs. As part of this program, the Path2Impact team offers site visits and retreats. Site visits are an opportunity for the team to learn about what's working and what further support is needed to develop a successful program. Retreats are a time for OST professionals from across the state to gather and collaborate within the three paths.
21stCCLC National Center for Technical Assistance (NTAC) is the premiere place for out-of-school time professionals to learn, receive resources, and engage with peers and experts. NTAC will offer a new generation of professional learning and technical assistance to 21CCLC programs in the same manner as Y4Y did from 2012-2023 and still houses many Y4Y materials under the Archived Resources section.
21CCLC Frequently used sites:
Contact Alan Haarstad, 605-773-5238, or Stephanie Cronin, 605-773-4693, with any questions regarding the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant or application process.