SD MTSS - Response To Intervention
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a tiered support framework that provides evidence-based instruction and intervention. All students receive Tier 1 (Universal) support through evidence-based core classroom instruction. Students who need interventions beyond what is provided universally receive targeted, supplemental interventions delivered at increasing levels of intensity.
4 Key Components in RTI
Team-Based Leadership
A building leadership team oversees school-level implementation. The team reviews systems-level data, scheduling, and curriculum and instruction decisions. A grade-level team oversees student-level progress. The team meets regularly to analyze and adapt student interventions based on progress monitoring data.
Tiered Continuum of Supports
All students receive evidence-based Tier 1 instruction. Some students also receive targeted Tier 2 intervention on missing grade-level skills. Few students also receive intensive Tier 3 intervention on missing below grade-level skills.
Comprehensive Data Collection System
Schools use a comprehensive process for collecting and reviewing data at the school and student levels. Data is used in a continuous improvement process.
Communication and Collaboration
Schools engage families, community partners, and other stakeholders in understanding MTSS RTI and partnering to improve outcomes for all students.

Questions about RTI? Contact Rebecca Cain in the SD Department of Education's Special Education Office with questions at (605) 773-3678.