Child and Adult Care Food Program
The Child and Adult Care Food Program provides cash reimbursements for meals served in child day care centers, family and group day care homes, and adult day care centers. Programs are reimbursed according to the number of meals they serve to children. Child and adult care centers receive reimbursement based on family size and income. Day care homes and group family day care homes receive reimbursement based on income level of the area or of the family.
Child day care homes, child day care centers, and adult day care centers must be licensed in order to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
In order to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, day care homes must be located in a home. Group family day care homes must be in a residential building. It may be a provider s home or it may be a vacant home. Note that licensing for a group family day care home allows it to be in another building (not necessarily a residence); however, if it is not a residence, that group family day care home is not eligible to participate in the CACFP as a sponsored home. In that case, it may be possible for that group family day care home to participate as an independent center. For more information about the site s eligibility to participate as an independent center, contact the Child and Adult Nutrition Services office at (605) 773-3413.
- Breads and Grains Chart
- CACFP Enrollment Forms
- CACFP Meal Pattern - Children
- CACFP Meal Pattern - Infants
- Cereal Handout
- Eligibility Roster
- Infant Formula and Foods
- Infant Menu Records - Group
- Infant Formula - Centers
- Infant Menu Records - Individual
- Meal Count Record
- Monitoring Review Form
- Milk Handout
- Numbered Memos
- Production Record
- Special Diet Form
- Yogurt Handout
- Managing Virtual Monitoring and Supply Chain Disruptions
Applications for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) are now completed through the web-based system, iCAN. To receive more information on CACFP participation, please contact Child and Adult Nutrition Services (CANS) at (605) 773-3413.
The iCAN website is found at: https://ican.sd.gov/ICAN/Splash.aspx
If you have an existing sponsor in iCAN, but need to receive access to the system, please complete the iCAN User ID Request form and email to DOE.SchoolLunch@state.sd.us. A separate form must be completed by each individual that needs access to iCAN for application and/or claims. User IDs and passwords are specific to each individual and must not be shared with others.
Claims for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) are now completed through the iCAN system. Log into the iCAN system found at https://ican.sd.gov/ICAN/Splash.aspx. If you have any issues, contact the CANS office at (605) 773-3413.
Snacks and meals can be a part of the after-school care programs. CACFP agencies that are offering snacks and/or meals to children in after school settings may be eligible to receive a higher rate of reimbursement for those children if specific circumstances are met. Agencies that are serving a snack and/or meal service for children in after-school care situations may call Child and Adult Nutrition Services (CANS) at (605) 773-3413 to get more information about this opportunity.
All program trainings are located on DOE Professional Learning Platform. The platform contains a library of all trainings, quizzes, and certificates for all CANS programs. For more information and how to access the platform, please visit the DOE Professional Learning Platform website.
For more information, contact the SD Department of Education, Child and Adult Nutrition Services at (605) 773-3413.