Content Standards: Mathematics
The South Dakota State Standards for Mathematics specify what students should know and be able to do as learners of mathematics at the end of each grade level or course. The order of the standards at any grade level is not meant to imply a sequence of topics and should be considered flexible for the organization of coherent learning progressions. The standards are written in a vertical progression that respects what is known about how students learn and how students' mathematical knowledge, skill, and understanding develop over time. The South Dakota State Mathematics Standards set a path for all students to become mathematically proficient and literate by emphasizing and engaging students in problem solving, communicating, reasoning and proof, making connections, using representations, and using mathematics to make sense of the world around them
The South Dakota State Standards for Mathematics have two components: the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the Standards for Mathematical Content. The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important processes and proficiencies with longstanding importance in mathematics education. The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe ways in which developing student practitioners of the discipline of mathematics increasingly ought to engage with the subject matter as they grow in mathematical maturity and expertise throughout the elementary, middle, and high school years. The Standards for Mathematical Content are a balanced combination of procedure and understanding.
Transition year 2018-2019; teach to standards 2019-2020; assessed spring 2020)
Mathematics Focus Documents
Each cluster of standards below are unpacked including: aspects of rigor, evidence of students engaging in mathematical practice standards, learning progressions, examples of tasks, and achievement levels.
Counting and Cardinality | ||
K.CC.2 K.CC.3 |
K.CC.5 |
K.CC.7 |
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten | ||||||||||
1.NBT.3 |
1.NBT.5 1.NBT.6 |
2.NBT.2 2.NBT.3 2.NBT.4 |
2.NBT.6 2.NBT.7 2.NBT.8 2.NBT.9 |
3.NBT.2 3.NBT.3 |
4.NBT.2 4.NBT.3 |
4.NBT.5 4.NBT.6 |
5.NBT.2 5.NBT.3 5.NBT.4 |
5.NBT.6 5.NBT.7 |
Numbers and Operation in Fractions | |||||
3.NF.2 3.NF.3 |
4.NF.2 |
4.NF.4 |
4.NF.6 4.NF.7 |
5.NF.2 |
5.NF.4 5.NF.5 5.NF.5 5.NF.6 5.NF.7 |
Operations and Algebraic Thinking | |||||||||||||||
K.OA.2 K.OA.3 K.OA.4 K.OA.5 |
1.OA.2 |
1.OA.4 |
1.OA.6 |
1.OA.8 |
2.OA.4 |
3.OA.2 3.OA.3 3.OA.4 |
3.OA.6 |
3.OA.8 3.OA.9 |
4.OA.2 4.OA.3 |
5.OA.2 |
Geometry | |||||||
K.G.2 K.G.3 |
K.G.5 K.G.6 |
1.G.2 1.G.3 |
2.G.2 2.G.3 |
3.G.2 |
4.G.2 4.G.3 |
5.G.2 |
5.G.4 |
Back to the Progression of Standards
Each cluster of standards below are unpacked including: aspects of rigor, evidence of students engaging in mathematical practice standards, learning progressions, examples of tasks, and achievement levels.
Ratios and Proportional Relationships | |
6.RP.2 6.RP.3 |
7.RP.2 7.RP.3 |
The Number System | ||||
6.NS.3 6.NS.4 |
6.NS.6 6.NS.7 6.NS.8 |
7.NS.2 7.NS.3 |
8.NS.2 |
Expressions and Equations | |||||||
6.EE.2 6.EE.3 6.EE.4 |
6.EE.6 6.EE.7 6.EE.8 |
7.EE.2 |
7.EE.4 |
8.EE.2 8.EE.3 8.EE.4 |
8.EE.6 |
8.EE.8 |
Functions | |
8.F.2 8.F.3 |
8.F.5 |
Geometry | |||||
6.G.2 6.G.3 6.G.4 |
7.G.2 7.G.3 |
7.G.5 7.G.6 |
8.G.2 8.G.3 8.G.4 8.G.5 |
8.G.7 8.G.8 |
Statistics and Probability | |||||
6.SP.2 6.SP.3 |
6.SP.5 |
7.SP.2 |
7.SP.4 |
7.SP.6 7.SP.7 7.SP.8 |
8.SP.2 8.SP.3 8.SP.4 |
Back to the Progression of Standards
Each cluster of standards below are unpacked including: aspects of rigor, evidence of students engaging in mathematical practice standards, learning progressions, examples of tasks, and achievement levels.
Number and Quantity | |||||||||
N.RN.2 |
N.Q.2* N.Q.3* |
N.CN.2 |
N.CN.5 N.CN.6 N.CN.8 N.CN.9 |
N.VM.2 N.VM.3 |
N.VM.5 |
N.VM.7 N.VM.8 N.VM.9 N.VM.10 N.VM.11 N.VM.12 |
Statistics and Probability | ||||||
S.ID.2 S.ID.3 |
S.ID.6 |
S.ID.8 S.ID.9 |
S.CP.2 S.CP.3 S.CP.4 S.CP.5 |
S.CP.7 S.CP.8 |
S.IC.2 |
S.IC.4 S.IC.5 S.IC.6 |
S.MD.2 S.MD.3 S.MD.4 |
S.MD.6 S.MD.7 |
Polar Coordinates | ||||||
PC.PC.1 |
PC.PE.1 |
PC.L.3 |
- K-5 Formative Assessment Tools
These assessment tools help mathematics educators better recognize students' understanding of number sense and number relationships. These tools are for formative use, providing teachers the information needed to adjust instruction and giving students learning experiences to further develop number sense and number relationships.
- 3-High School Assessment Tools:
- The SD DOE Assessment webpage provides links to tools to help mathematics educators build their capacity in the state assessment system. Tools include but are not limited to, the state interim assessments, teaching resources that support SD Math Standards and professional learning resources.