Special Education Programs:
Dispute Resolution
As a parent, you are a very important participant in your child's special education program. By contributing what you know about your child and involvement in the decision-making process, you will make an important contribution to your child's education.
The decisions you make should be based on knowledge and understanding of your rights and responsibilities. If problems and misunderstandings do arise, however, there are several ways to address them.
First, you may want to talk with the school personnel directly involved with the problem and discuss your concerns. It is suggested you contact the person in charge of special education, the administration of the local public school district or the public education agency where your child attends school. If the problem is not resolved at the local level, you may request a mediation meeting, file a formal complaint, and/or request a due process hearing.
Each of these options has a specific purpose for helping you with your concerns, so it is important that you choose the best option for you. Listed below is information regarding dispute resolution.

Due Process Hearing Complaints Regulations: 24:05:30
Process for requesting due process hearing final decision(s):
- Go to Public Records Request
- Select "Submit Record Request"
- Login using MySD account
If you do not have a MySD account, you will need to register for one - Enter your name and email
- Select "Department of Education"
- Type in the Due Process Hearing numbers you would like to view
If you do not know the numbers of the hearings you may enter a time frame or other information that identifies what you are requesting (i.e. district name) - Click "Submit"
Contact Special Education Programs office at the South Dakota Department of Education at 605-773-3678 with questions.